Berthoud Pass 12.27.15

(Last Updated On: January 5, 2016)

Berthoud Pass will always hold a special place in my heart, since it’s where I started backcountry skiing, and I’m sure I’ve been over that pass at least a thousand times, since I used to race at Winter Park. Of course it’s a lot different now compared to the early 90’s when I started backcountry skiing there. The lifts even started turning again in between, though they are all gone now. Since I was staying in Golden for a few days after Christmas, I figured I should return to my old stomping grounds.

Keith Spargo and I dodged traffic and made it to the pass where we were able to get out of the cold and change in the warming house. I have to admit, I do like the warming house feature. With plenty of wind and new snow, we took it easy and did the three creek tour, keeping it mellow. Here’s a few photos from the day:

Postage Stamp in the background:
Berthoud Pass backcountry skiing

Front Range:
Berthoud Pass scenery

Keith getting deep:
backcountry powder at Berthoud Pass

Some big older slides in the area:
Berthoud Pass Avalanches

…And one token shot of me, on the dark shaded north-facing terrain.
Berthoud Pass backcountry skiing

We found a ride pretty quickly, being a busy part of a busy day. It’s always an adventure- this particular driver was very excited about his friend’s RAZR that had been converted into a mini snowcat, more or less. I’ve seen a few around the Crested Butte area- it would certainly be a nice way to commute for those living in Irwin. It was good to be “home”, but it’s also always good to go home, to Crested Butte 🙂

We choose the BCA Float packs when we’re skiing the backcountry, just in case:

Frank Konsella

Frank loves snow more than anything... except his wife.  He ensures his food is digested properly by chewing it 32 times before swallowing.He is a full-time real estate agent serving Crested Butte and Gunnison and would be honored to send you his monthly newsletter.

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Berthoud Pass backcountry skiing
Article Name
Berthoud Pass backcountry skiing
Photos, descriptions, and conditions for Berthoud Pass backcountry skiing. See additional trip reports and gear reviews on our site.

Frank Konsella

Frank loves snow more than anything... except his wife.    He ensures his food is digested properly by chewing it 32 times before swallowing. He is a full-time real estate agent serving Crested Butte and Gunnison and would be honored to send you his monthly newsletter.

One thought on “Berthoud Pass 12.27.15

  • January 11, 2016 at 9:14 pm


    i live in CB South and am interested in beta on ski mountaineering. I ski around here but want to get in the alpine without snow machine.

    Any feedback is appreciated.


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