Baldy – Camel Humps 11.15.15
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While skiing with Alex on my first day of the 2105 season, I couldn’t help but notice a chute on Baldy that looked filled in and ready to go. I’ve noticed the chute before, but usually the top is blown out from the prevailing West winds. This year, however, the winds have been just a little different, so the line was in. Brittany had just been to the nearby WSCU bowl on Baldy, so we decided to check it out.
We skinned up to the the summit ridge, then followed it towards the line.
The top of the line is between two small summits (in fact, it’s right off of Baldy’s actual summit). Brittany decided the line should be called the Camel Humps couloir. Meanwhile, this fun line on the East side that Pete Sowar and I skied a couple of years ago wasn’t looking quite filled in.
Over on the Camel Humps, however, the skiing was good. It’s a fun line.
The light with the incoming storm was really spectacular. It almost felt like the low-light conditions found in Alaska or somewhere else farther north.
I think it’s a nice early season line when it has enough snow:
So far, 2015 hasn’t been the best early season- but it certainly isn’t the worst. It’s pretty good out there. Other parts of Colorado are faring even better than we are here in Crested Butte. In any case, other storms are lining up- and that’s always a good thing.
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