TR: Axtel Tongue and Green Lake Chutes 3.18.09

(Last Updated On: April 8, 2009)

Yet another TR that’s a little bit old. I guess I need to sit at a computer more and ski less. Not. Cool joke from 1991.

My friend Andy headed down from Denver to see how things were down here on the S side of the Elks. Since I had just skied the Green lake chutes the day before and knew a booter was in and the conditions were good, I suggested that we ski in the same area. I wanted to ski the “Tongue” on Axtel, which is a pretty visible line from Mount Crested Butte. I took this photo of Axtel on the following day- the tongue is the double double-fall-lined route in the center of the long summit of Axtel.

Being a gracious host, I let Andy drop in first:


I went next:



I shot a couple more while Andy switched from Pow to corn.

Since the bootpack was in and we both felt like taking another run, we went back up to ski a quick lap in the Green Lake chutes. Andy got first dibs again:



I went second, down a line I had skied the day before:


On our way back out, I took a photo of our tracks down the tongue.

Frank Konsella

Frank loves snow more than anything... except his wife.  He ensures his food is digested properly by chewing it 32 times before swallowing.He is a full-time real estate agent serving Crested Butte and Gunnison and would be honored to send you his monthly newsletter.

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Frank Konsella

Frank loves snow more than anything... except his wife.    He ensures his food is digested properly by chewing it 32 times before swallowing. He is a full-time real estate agent serving Crested Butte and Gunnison and would be honored to send you his monthly newsletter.

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