September Fall Colors in Crested Butte

(Last Updated On: October 6, 2016)

Nearly every fall there is about a 2 or 3 week window from mid-September to early October where the mountain world is full of color. The emerald green that once blanketed our valley gives way to hues of yellow, orange, and red. If Mother Nature has her way, she may even send some fluffy white snow into the mix for extra colorful contrast. Every time I am outside during this time, I am constantly amazed, and I have to resist taking a photo every 5 seconds. Here’s a collection of photos from the magnificent fall colors in Crested Butte.

My first set starts out while riding during peak colors at the ski area on Sept. 22nd, shortly after a rainstorm.
fall colors in Crested Butte.

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

fall colors in Crested Butte

The days that followed led to more rain and more snow, and oh yes, Vinotok!
Vinotok in Crested Butte

Vinotok must have made Mother Nature happy because the next morning we woke up to this…
Whetstone in Crested Butte in fall

Later that day, with the ground still wet and sloppy from all the recent precipitation, I opted for a hike instead of a bike ride. I headed to Meridian Lake, one of my fall favorites.

Washington Gulch was looking lovely.
Washington Gulch valley in fall

A close-up of Gothic Mountain.
Gothic Mountain in Crested Butte.

There she is, Meridian Lake, often referred to as Long Lake, with Whestone towering behind!
Fall colors on Meridian Lake or Long Lake in Crested Butte

Avery Peak looking wonderful dressed in white.
fall colors on Avery Peak in Crested Butte.

The peak of Crested Butte was looking stunning.
fall colors with Crested Butte peak.

fall colors in Crested Butte

About a week later, and after a few glorious rides among more fall colors, we headed to Aspen. We wanted to stop and take a million photos on Kebler Pass, but we stuck with just one – this one of Marcellina!
Marcellina in fall colors

The fall colors are certainly waning, but soon we’ll be on to fields of white!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things,Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate 🙂 Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

September fall colors in Crested Butte
Article Name
September fall colors in Crested Butte
Nearly every year there is about a 2 or 3 week window from mid-September to early October where fall colors are magnificent in Crested Butte!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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