September Mountain Biking in Crested Butte

(Last Updated On: October 9, 2016)

It’s no secret that we think that September is the most beautiful time to ride in Crested Butte. With the leaves changing color and falling to the ground, the Indian Summer days, and moderate temperatures, it’s hard not to resist the urge to ride. We haven’t been posting a lot about our riding in Crested Butte this year as we haven’t done too much that is new. But, here’s a collection of some of our photos from September mountain biking in Crested Butte!

409 to Point Lookout & Back

Frank Konsella mountain biking 409 near Crested Butte.

I guess this is why this trail is named “Point Lookout”?
Views from Point Lookout Trail near Crested Butte

The colors were just beginning to turn. Frank.
Frank Konsella mountain biking Point Lookout Trail near Crested Butte.

The descent is beautiful and fun! Frank.
Frank Konsella mountain biking Point Lookout Trail near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Point Lookout Trail near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Point Lookout Trail near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking 409 in Crested Butte

Fall Splendor on Julie Andrews and Beyond!

Mountain Biking Julie Andrews near Crested Butte

Fall mountain biking in Crested Butte

Fall mountain biking in Crested Butte

Waterfall Cutoff to Caves Trail

One of the last few days of September we headed out to enjoy the scenes on Waterfall Cutoff and looped it with the Caves Trail. Frank.
Frank Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Amazing scenery…
Views from Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Views from Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking Waterfall Cutoff near Crested Butte.

On to the Caves trail.
Brittany Konsella mountain biking Caves Trail near Crested Butte.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking the Caves Trail near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Caves Trail near Crested Butte.

Frank Konsella mountain biking Caves Trail near Crested Butte.

Hartman Rocks – Gunnison

On my birthday, the weather was looking a little dodgy so I headed down to Gunnison with Alex to enjoy some desert riding!
Alex Riedman and Brittany Konsella

Alex Riedman mountain biking Hartman Rocks near Gunnison, CO.

Alex Riedman mountain biking Hartman Rocks near Gunnison, CO.

Alex Riedman mountain biking Hartman Rocks near Gunnison, CO.

Alex Riedman mountain biking Hartman Rocks near Gunnison, CO.

Brittany Konsella mountain biking Hartman Rock near Gunnison, CO.

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things,Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate 🙂 Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

September mountain biking in Crested Butte
Article Name
September mountain biking in Crested Butte
September mountain biking in Crested Butte is epic. From hues of gold to blazing blue skies, mild temperatures and Indian Summer, September riding rocks!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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