Backcountry SkiingFourteeners

TBT: Sean Crossen’s 14er Skiing Video

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This post is part of a Throwback Thursday series featuring trip reports that we haven’t had a chance to write about until now! Look for them at least every other Thursday!

I posted this on my blog years ago, but I recently checked it out again and thought it was worth a re-post. Fun stuff.

Most people don’t know about Sean Crossen, but they should. He was one of Colorado’s 14er-skiing pioneers in the early to mid-2000’s. Long before legendary Chris Davenport decided he would try to ski all of Colorado’s fourteeners, Sean Crossen was out there, on cumbersome old gear, exploring new routes on these high peaks. While Sean ultimately came up a little bit shy – never actually skiing Capitol Peak from the summit – he put in a great effort and skied an awful lot of peaks in winter-like conditions, quite unlike our efforts which tended to mostly occur in the spring.

Sean Crossen put this video together a while back documenting his efforts to ski all the fourteeners back in the mid-2000’s. The video contains lots of guest appearances from “The Crew”, too- guys like Pete Sowar, John Jasper, Chris Webster and even the O.G. Lou Dawson on El Diente. It’s well worth checking out, although perhaps with the music muted 😉

Some highlights: Pete and his huge pack unable to mount his bike to get up the Maroon Creek road around 10:30. Wendy Fisher shredding Wetterhorn in early season conditions around 17:25.’

Holy old-school flashback, right?

Brittany Walker Konsella

TBT: Sean Crossen's 14er Skiing Video
Article Name
TBT: Sean Crossen's 14er Skiing Video
An entertaining collection of footage put together by Sean Crossen, a Colorado 14er skiing pioneer in the early to mid-2000's.

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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