TR: Deep Day on Monarch Pass (23 February 2016)

(Last Updated On: March 7, 2016)

February had been a very dry month. And while snow stability was thankfully improving, we were also gasping as our snow was dwindling fast. So, when the forecast called for a few inches of fresh, potentially more in the backcountry, that caught our attention.

But, then we awoke the morning of the 23rd to nada. Nothing new had falling, not more than a dusting. We met at the Slate River trailhead, and with overcast skies and no new fresh snow, the thought of skiing was uninspiring.

But, there WAS fresh snow not far away. We just had to travel a bit to get there… Monarch Pass boasted a foot and a half of fresh, and I was able to convince Alex and Eliot to join me for a day of skiing there. Talk about a huge change of plans!

We got two super-riffic laps in. Deepest day of the season for sure. Conditions were absolutely blower powder. And we kept on giggling with happiness ALL day long.

Pictures speak louder than words. So, here they are!

Alex Riedman skiing powder in Monarch Pass backcountry.

Alex Riedman skiing powder in Monarch Pass backcountry.

Alex Riedman skiing powder in Monarch Pass backcountry.

Alex Riedman skiing powder in Monarch Pass backcountry.

Alex Riedman skiing powder in Monarch Pass backcountry.

Alex Riedman skiing powder in Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.


Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Eliot Rosenberg skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Alex caught this one of me too.
Brittany Walker Konsella skiing powder in the Monarch Pass backcountry.

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things,Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate 🙂 Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

What do you do when you get skunked? Get in the car and go where it's good. We found and epically deep day backcountry skiing on Monarch Pass!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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