TR: Mount Oklahoma Ski (2 July 2015)
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Oklahoma had been on my list for many years. Anyone who has skied Mount Massive has likely gazed upon the slopes of Oklahoma which hold snow late into the spring and early summer. I know I’m not the only one who spotted it as I climbed up Mount Massive and wondered, “What am I doing here? I should be over there!”
Oklahoma in the morning.
After camping just down the road from the trailhead the night before, we got a pretty early start in the morning. Halfmoon Creek was raging.
The wildflowers were starting to make their mark on the landscape.
After having a rather adverse experience climbing Oklahoma the year before, Natalia suggested that we access it by heading to Halfmoon Lakes first. So, that’s what we did.
Natalia with Mount Oklahoma and Upper North Halfmoon Lake.
From there, we switched into our ski boots and began climbing the mountain. Natalia.
The couloir was fun to climb, but the upper SE slopes were pretty shallow and post-holy. Me on the upper slopes.
Almost to the summit!
Once on the summit, it was time to celebrate. You see, just a few days prior, Natalia had finished climbing all of Colorado’s centennial peaks (top 100 highest peaks). Due to my work schedule, I was unable to celebrate with her then. But, it was just a few days later, and we were on top of a Centennial. So, time for indulgences.
Since Natalia is Russian, I made her take a good old swig of vodka. Cherry vodka, to be exact. Good stuff that I brought back from Poland years back. Not that we encourage drinking on top of CO’s highest peaks, but…..
We spent awhile at the summit, and of course signed the register.
Some familiar names on this one.
French, Frasco, Casco, and La Plata. La Plata still looks so good!
Mount Champion and 13,736′. Also looking good.
Then, as a storm tried to threaten us, we quickly made our way down Oklahoma’s upper slopes. Natalia.
The looming clouds had passed over us just as we made our way to the fun part. Me.
We skied until the snow ran out:)
The Halfmoon Lakes area is beautiful. So, we took some time to enjoy it!
Although there was a bit of a hike involved in getting to Oklahoma, it was largely fairly easy. It was a good day, and fun skiing, especially for July. But, we weren’t done yet. We still had plans for one more day of skiing!
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