FindTheBest Guest Blog about Cat-Skiing & Heli-Skiing Options

(Last Updated On: September 30, 2011)

Today we are posting a guest blog from the people at FindTheBest. Find the best offers services that allow people to search and compare different things- like ski areas, cat-skiing operations, and heli-skiing operations. Essentially, it can help people find the best resort/operation to suit them. Though the entry is a tad spam-like, please consider it. We at 14erskiers really do believe FindTheBest has some good services to offer! So, check it out 🙂

Cat Skiing vs. Heli-Skiing: Argentinean Adventures

Two years ago, on an Argentinean ski adventure at Las Lenas Ski Resort, my trip coincided with the Oakley Ski Team.

The Oakley team was filming a promotional video with an all-star cast: Simon Dumont, Seth Morrison, Mark Lassater and others. Imagine my excitement when a few friends and I found ourselves exchanging jokes and learning about the finer points of Cat Skiing vs. Heli Skiing from Oakley’s pros.

Their thoughts, paired with research on FindTheBest, gave me some top-notch insight:

Cat Skiing

Cat skiing is popular backcountry alternative to heli-skiing. The snowcat’s ability to traverse mountainous terrain in nearly any kind of weather, especially when helicopters are unable to take-off, is its main advantage.

On average, cat-skiers can reach 1,500 to 13,250 feet of elevation and can complete about 12.47 runs in a day, conditions and ability permitting. If you’re not an Oakley sponsored skier, and price is of concern, this is typically a cheaper way to get your kicks.

Here is a list of the best Cat-Skiing operators across the globe, if you know one that is not on this list, please add…


Heli-skiing is when helicopter operators drop skiers at very high alpine locations, often inaccessible any other way. On average, heli-skiing will land you anywhere from 1,100 to 36,000 feet of elevation. The potential elevation is much higher than a snowcat’s, though the average (13,359) elevation for both is about the same.

On average, a heli-skier will get about 6 runs in for the day depending on ability. But, the guys warned me that skiers should understand that the risk involved with heli-skiing is greater.

The best Heli-skiing operators across the globe are listed here, add your favorites:

FindTheBest is a data driven comparison engine that can help you choose a Heli-Skiing or Snowcat operator by filtering on location, mt. range, cost, guaranteed minimum vertical, difficulty, package types and more.

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things,Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate 🙂 Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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