
Thyroid Surgery- Stitches out!

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I’m now 9 days post-op from my left thyroid lobectomy and recovery is going quite well. I’ve been feeling better and better every day. I had the surgery two Mondays ago. While nausea and vomiting ensued post-op, I was okay within a day or so. My throat was sore and the muscles that I used for swallowing were very sore, which inhibited the kinds of food I could eat for a few days. But, by Friday I was able to eat any food I wanted.

My muscles in my neck continued to hurt sometimes. But. they slowly got better. Finally, by the weekend, it felt like the muscles were largely okay. But my neck movement was limited by my stitches. Every time I turned my head to the left or right, or lifted my chin up too high, it felt like the stitches were going to explode right out of my neck. Finally on Monday, I had my stitches out. Immediately I could move my head to the right and left and tilt my chin up without hardly any pain! Driving became easy again!

While having my stitches removed, I asked the PA what I could and could not do for the next week or so. She said I looked great- less swelling than most people. So, I could do just about anything. This meant that I could go for a run, or a bike ride, or a hike. Basically, I can do almost everything I want to do now! I just have to be careful not to lift heavy things, especially over my head. I can’t lift weights either. This will last for another week or so. The reason for this is because during the surgery the neck muscles had to be stretched really far, making them prone to tearing for 2-3 weeks after surgery. Lifting things can actually strain the neck and cause those muscles to tear, impeding recovery.

So, today I went on my first bike ride since the surgery. Who would have thought I’d be riding a bike 8 days after thyroid surgery? Not me! But, I’m happy! I rode with my friends Sydney and Heather, after work, at the ski area. It felt pretty good and I’m looking forward to riding my bike again tomorrow!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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