TR: Naked Lady Couloir (26 March 2015)

(Last Updated On: April 25, 2015)

Mount Snowdon was the second peak I ever climbed it my life – the highest mountain in Wales, that is. We climbed it during a trip to Great Britain when I was just a kid. Little did I know that this would be the just the beginning of the mountaineering path I would eventually gravitate toward later in life. And I certainly didn’t know that I would return to Snowdon, this time Snowdon Peak near Silverton, CO, to ski the Naked Lady couloir.

But, that’s what we did. Naked Lady is a tantalizing line for skiers.
Frank Konsella with Naked Lady couloir in the distance.

It dangles on the face of Snowdon Peak, dancing in thin air.
Naked Lady couloir in the San Juans

She welcomed us with open arms.
Naked Lady couloir near Silverton, CO.

The climb was fun.
Frank Konsella climbing Naked Lady couloir in the San Juans.

Brittany Konsella climbing Naked Lady couloir near Silverton, CO

The line steepened past the crux and nearing the top.
Frank Konsella climbing Naked Lady couloir in the San Juans.

Brittany Konsella climbing Naked Lady couloir near Silverton, CO.

Near the top of the couloir, the line fizzled out and became too rocky to ski. There we transitioned.
Backcountry skiing Naked Lady couloir near Silverton, CO.

We knew the skiing was going to be good.
Skiing Naked Lady couloir in the San Juans.

Frank Konsella skiing Naked Lady couloir near Silverton, CO.







Brittany Konsella skiing Naked Lady couloir in the San Juans.



The apron.
Frank Konsella skiing out of Naked Lady in the San Juans.

What a wonderful line!
Brittany Konsella skiing with Naked Lady behind.

We went on to enjoy a bit more time in Silverton, CO.
Silverton, Colorado.

Always in awe of the peaks that surrounded us.
Mountain in San Juans.

We’re looking forward to spending more time in the San Juans this spring!

While skiing in the backcountry, I rely on my Fritschi Vipecs, a binding that I love!

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things,Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate 🙂 Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

TR: Naked Lady Couloir (26 March 2015)
Article Name
TR: Naked Lady Couloir (26 March 2015)
Naked Lady couloir dangles high in the air on Snowdon Peak in the San Juans and makes a wonderful backcountry ski route.

Brittany Walker Konsella

Aside from skiing, biking, and all outdoorsy things, Brittany Walker Konsella also loves smiles and chocolate :) Even though she excels at higher level math and chemistry, she still confuses left from right. Find out more about Brittany!

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