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Mountaineering, climbing, skiing, mountain biking and other activities described on 14erskiers.com are dangerous. Conditions can change rapidly, so routes which we may have found to be in safe condition may no longer be so. Please use your own judgement, and turn around if unsafe conditions are found. 14erskiers.com recommends that backcountry travelers have knowledge of backcountry travel, carry adequate gear which may include avalanche safety tools and first aid kits, have knowledge and/or training in wilderness first aid as well as avalanche safety, and carry appropriate navigation tools which may include a map, compass, and/or GPS. The authors of this site provide no warranties, either express or implied, that the information provided on this site is accurate or reliable. By using 14erskiers.com you agree to indemnify and hold harmless 14erskiers.com and its affiliates with respect to any claims and demands against them, including any attorney fees and expenses. Failure to have the necessary experience, physical conditioning, supplies, or proper equipment can result in injury or death. Hike, climb, bike, or ski with care and use your best judgment. All material published on 14erskiers.com is copyrighted and the property of 14erskiers.com unless otherwise specified. Please respect private property rights.


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