TR: Blue Lake Hike (Aug 2012)
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Blue Lake had been on my list all summer. On a late August day, I met Brooke who handed her dog Koa off to me for the day, and Koa and I headed out for our Blue Lake adventure.
I began at the Oh-Be-Joyful campground. My car would have made it further up the road. But, I figured it was nearly as fast just to walk. So, we walked.
The Oh-Be-Joyful creek and falls were visible along the way.
The falls lie a little past where the road becomes trail.
The sign states it’s 3 miles to the Daisy Pass Trail, but it felt a little longer to me.
The Oh-Be-Joyful Valley is always amazing.
The trail passed through both fields and forest.
Looking back down valley.
As the valley turned, Purple Peak, Afley and Oh-Be-Joyful Peak popped into view. Blue Lake sits in the basin below Purple and Afley.
A close up of Purple (left) and Afley (right).
As the trail began to climb out of the valley floor, it passed through a dense forest and by this old well.
Just before the left turn to Blue Lake Trail, the trail emerged out of the forest to this leprechaun green ground cover.
Heading up toward the bench where Blue Lake lies.
After 6 miles and two and a half hours, Koa and I arrived at Blue Lake.
Looking up toward Purple.
Mountain goats hovered on the cliffs above.
After enjoying the lake for quite some time, Koa and I turned to follow our tracks back to the trailhead. Looking down the Oh-Be-Joyful valley from near Blue Lake.
Another day of beautiful hiking and exploring…. and the journeys continue!
- Mount Buckskin (17 May 2020) - May 28, 2020
- Horseshoe Ski (14 May 2020) – The mountain whose journey nearly killed me - May 27, 2020
- Sayres X-Rated Ski (10 May 2020) - May 19, 2020

Muy Bonita. ¿Pero, dónde ésta la nieve y los turnos?